Thursday, January 31, 2013

ode to a tree

Ode to a Tree

There it stands in the January snow

Its limbs bare and clean

Waiting for the coming of the spring show

Now it’s April time for the color green

The flowers will be a reading to bloom

Awaiting the bees of June and July

The flowers will be show your look

As the flowers fade you will need a groom

The wind will make the blooms have a fly

This will show the other treasure: the fruit book


In the October sun the leaves began to fall

The friends of your beauty will take a peek

Many will take an admiration of your color wall

Your beauty will only show you are meek

As the weather begins to take a chill

            You will begin to lose that splendor

            Your branches will become bare

            One will know it is not your will

            However, all will still know your grander

            The weather will change to make this fair

            As the circle completes you will once again fit the bill





Now in December we’re back to the snow

 The bare limbs await the return of spring

1 comment:

  1. I'm really interested in some of your phrasing here like "fruit book." Also, did you intend to say, "reading to bloom"? Finally, I like the possible double meaning of "groom," which could either suggest the season in one's life when it's time to find a partner and settle down, or it could be grooming in the sense of cutting back leaves. Either way, it fits!
